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Simplicity In Order

 ‘Simplicity in order’ highlights the potential for drawing inspiration and visual sense of satisfaction from our surroundings and everyday encounters whilst exploring the possibilities of knit for accessories. With film, I capture and document the notion of order through a fusion of fresh airy colour tones, industrial feelings and linear aesthetics, translated through a rich blend of Cashwool encased in a protective layer of sustainable polythene, to produce simplistic, considered contemporary designs that mimic the feeling associated with the obsessive order of simplistic uniformed objects, captured through the controlled subtle hazy facet the film quality and exposure presents. 


The synthetic encasing performs as a contrasting barrier between the harsh urban environment and soft luxury knitted fabric, exerting a form of supremacy and maintaining the fresh, crisp aesthetic whilst simultaneously controlling our intrinsic sense of wanting direct contact with the knitted fabric. I wanted to create a collection of practical yet untouchable multifunctional accessories that could be utilised in the exact environment that acted as the initial conflicting stimulation. 


Represented through a collection of contemporary streetwear inspired multifunctional, adaptable accessories, Inspiration points were Captured on film to cast a hazy facet complementary to the simplistic and minimal aesthetics of my designs. Visual references were sourced from my everyday journeys, imposing order to the disorderly, yet visually appealing sites of London. The encasing of the soft, knitted Cashwool imposes a barrier between the luxury knitted fabric and the harsh urban environment, aiding the controlled maintenance of the clean, crisp appearance. The textures embodied within the knit suggest a form of order to evoke feelings of satisfaction yet frustration. The colour palette from each collection was drawn from separating inspiration points into complimentary, representative colour ways.

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